Sunday 8 August 2010


So today was much more lesiurely. We took route 17 down to Charleston from Georgetown. On the way we stopped at some old Plantations.. They are pretty weird. They have those big swampy trees - one was called the Old Washington tree because George washington had saved it from being pulled down when he had stayed at the plantation in about 18 (something) - I cant remember.

This was a seriously creepy graveyard in the middle of the forest/swamp thing. There were so many Mosquitos, there was a thick cloud of them. You could feel them biting you But I think it was worth running out of the car to get some good pics. There were some seriously weird flower arrangement things. 

This is Jeremy and Lisa. We stopped at a Seafood place. I had shrimp creole. It was pretty tasty but MASSIVE. Charleston is seriously pretty - it has lots of old buildings with nice pastel colours. Its very touristy though. Having said that we did get a horse drawn cart around the town, which was really good. I saw a graceyard where Edgar Allen Poe's lover was buried ( there was a whole long story to it, but the graveyard was pretty cool, it was all over grown because it is a unitarian church and they believe in giving everything life and not taking away life... bla blah.) SORRY this is very graveyard heavy I realise.

So tonight we are in a nice hotel and going to a really nice restaurant called Magnolia's, which does amazing seafood supposedly. They have things like catfish, gumbo, collared greens... ha its so amazing. 

Tomorrow we head to a place near Savannah to stay the night with one of Lisa's friends and then a big drive down the 95 to Florida and MIAMI.

Wish I had more time to put more pictures and things up. But I'll try again soon.


  1. woooo ure heading my way, nice little bloggage so far

  2. This is so cool!! good blogging dude!! Its awesome to see what you're doing and also a bit mad because its pretty lame in london! bagel/cheese place sounds amazing, MISS YOU X X X

  3. thank you guys, i was worried this was super lame.
    I keep using the same words, amazing,great,yummy... i need to get my thesaurus out i think.

